Custom Transactions

Dynamic transactions to suite all on-chain requirements

Funding opportunities are complex and not always straight-forward, even impossible to predict. With this in mind, vaults spawned off for opportunities (otherwise known as sub-captial vaults) are able to utilise custom contract calls to facilitate complex/unique on-chain transactions.*

Safely locked behind the same proposing/voting/processing mechanism that all vaults share, managers and council members are able to propose transactions of varying functionality / complexity, which will be clearly presented to other privilaged members of the DAO where they may vote on the proposal.

* Due to the highly complex nature of custom transactions, it is impossible to practically perform safety checks on the functionality itself in the smart contracts, requiring members of the DAO to understand the proposals they are voting on. It is highly recommended to understand what the outcome of the functions execution will entail. If you are unable to understand what is happening, it is recommended that you do not vote or cast a no on the proposal.

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