Creating a new DAO on Aetos is easy.

  1. Navigate to the home page of Aetos:

  2. Connect your wallet with your chosen provider.

  3. Press the Create DAO button to start the process of creating a DAO.

  1. Fill out the wizard and submit the transaction to create a DAO.

Configution Items

  1. Basic Details

    • DAO Name: Name of your DAO

    • (Optional) Bio: Description of your DAO.

    • (Optional) Website Link: Link to your DAOs website.

    • Colour: Chosen UI colour for all members.

    • Logo: Your DAOs logo.

  2. Commitment

    • Base Stable Token: Choose the token that utilised in the treasury of the DAO. Currently, Aetos only supports 3 stable coins: USDT, DAI and USDC.

    • Minimum Commitment: The minimum amount a member can commit when proposing to join the DAO. (Denominated in USD)

    • Maximum Commitment: The maximum amount a member can commit when proposing to join the DAO. (Denominated in USD)

    • Slashed Penalty: A slash adds a penalty to missing commitments in the form of a % of shares being removed on top of the shares removed due to a missed commitment. Read more about slashing here.

    • Claim Cooldown Period: The time a member must wait between claiming from the returns vault.

  3. Inflation

    • Base Inflation: Amount of inflation reserved for the council over the lifetime of the DAO.

    • Operation Inflation: Percentage of funds allocated to the operations vault from commitments and return on investments.

    • Bonus Inflation: Amount of inflation reserved to be given out as bonus shares via proposals to members.

    The sum of inflation cannot go above 99%. Read more about inflation here.

  4. Call Schedule

    • Call Schedule Interval: The minimum time required before the DAO can issue another funding round.

    • DAO End Time: The lifetime of the DAO, starting from when it gets created. Once the DAO period ends, some functionality closes such as creating sub-vaults. Remaining funds in the Capital vault and Operations vault can be sent to the Returns vault for members to claim.

    • Schedule Allocations: Set up the funding call schedule and the pecent required each call. All calls must add up to 100% of the total commitment. You can add and subtract calls with the "Add allocation" and "X" buttons.

  5. Council Members

    • Council Voting Period: The minimum time that a council stays in power before a new vote for a new council (or old) can be proposed.

    • Initial Council Addresses and Commitments: Select the initial council address and the DAOs council size (based on the number of addresses chosen). V1 of Aetos requires the DAO to have chosen its council member size upon creation (this cannot be changed afterwards for the DAO). Preferably choose an odd number of council members to avoid deadlocks.

    • You can use "Add more" and "X" to add and remove addresses.

  6. Voting

    • Voting Period: The duration of the proposal voting period. Once this period expires the proposal can be acted upon.

    • Quorum of Votes: The minimum amount of votes required for a proposal to pass.

      • Set to council checkbox: Sets the quorum to the amount of council members (default)

    • Vote pass threshold: The amount of yes votes compared to no votes required to pass a proposal. Some proposals have hardcoded limits on the thresholds.

Once the config has been selected, you will be presented with a Review page where you can look over all the settings before deploying a DAO.

Last updated